Star Light, Star Bright…by mary elizabeth

As my very dear and also very wise friend Kate said, you can’t wish your self thinner. Evidently the law af attraction works on all sorts of things like money and matrimony and success – but if you want to lose a few pounds, you actually have to exercise and put that cookie down. I mean – believe it or not – ever since I put that “cash” in my wallet, we’ve been the happy recipients of all sorts of unexpected money. So,  I actually thought if I just wished hard enough, I could lose a few pounds. Evidently not.

Body image is a weird thing. It takes a really balanced person to see themselves as they are, let alone accept what they see.  I mean – let’s face it – if you can’t button your jeans anymore you’ve obviously put on some weight. But is that always a bad thing? I don’t think so. I’ve been pretty obsessed with my weight lately,though, whipping up a real midlife eating disorder. But of course, the issue isn’t the extra pounds. It’s my old friend self-esteem. And here in midlife, I know if I wake up twenty pounds lighter tomorrow I won’t actually feel any happier until I get myself back to a place of confidence, gratitude and inner peace. If I felt better about myself, I wouldn’t be all that concerned about a few pounds, and now that I think about it – would probably lose them, too. So – wait a minute – maybe I can wish those pounds away…

One thought on “Star Light, Star Bright…by mary elizabeth

  1. So true darlin’, so true….what is it w/the self esteem in this time period…I think it’s the stars and the grand cross and all that astro stuff…maybe Saturn pressing down hard so we’ll heal that old stuff?

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